Critical Insights Learning Series
Critical Insights learning series is designed for clinicians who learn on the go.
OR ICU Hemodynamics FloTrac Continuing Education Hypotension management btn-video HPI foresight Acumen
Interactive-step-by-step protocols
OR ICU Hemodynamics Hypotension management btn-External-link
TopMedTalk Podcasts
Listen for the latest medical news surrounding anesthesia, perioperative care and enhanced recovery. Live updates from conferences; Journal Club; Techno Talk and Hot-Topic podcasts.
OR ICU Hemodynamics Hypotension management btn-External-link partnership TMT TopMedTalk
Hemodynamic monitoring in the ICU, an interview with Michael Scott, MBChB
ICU Hemodynamics Fluid Management btn-reference
Hemodynamic assessment and fluid management
Hemodynamic assessment and fluid management (Part 1 of a 2 part series - November 2016)
Fluid Management btn-video
Smart monitoring: the future of predictive algorithms
OR ICU btn-video foresight
Methods for Assessing Fluid Responsiveness
Methods for assessing fluid responsiveness using our EV1000 monitor platform.
clearsight Fluid Management FloTrac ev1000 btn-video
Physiologic Implications of Appropriate Volume Administration
Video discussing the implications of fluid management in the perioperative environment.
clearsight Fluid Management FloTrac video btn-video
Hypotension Matters a Review of the Contemporary Literature
Hypotension management btn-video
Perioperative Goal Directed Therapy: What We Know in Theory and Practice
Webinar highligting the principles of perioperative goal directed therapy.
Fluid Management btn-video
Cardiac Enhanced Surgical Recovery Summary Brochure
Fluid Management btn-reference
Cardiac Enhanced Surgical Recovery Bibliography
Fluid Management btn-reference
Enhancing Recovery After Cardiac Surgery
Fluid Management btn-reference featured-course-all-1 featured-course-or-1 featured-course-icu-1
UCI Goal Directed Therapy
Fluid Management btn-External-link
Differentiating the Cause of Hypotension by Manuel Ignacio Monge (ASA 2017)
Hypotension management btn-video
Hemodynamic Optimization Reference Card
Hemodynamics Fluid Management btn-reference
Normal hemodynamic parameters and laboratory values
A pocket card summarizing normal hemodynamic and laboratory values and HPI parameters, HPI, eaDyn, dP/dt
OR ICU ED Hemodynamics Fluid Management Sepsis management Hypotension management btn-reference COVID-19
Principles of cardiac dynamics by Barbara McLean, MN, RN, CCRN, CCNS-BC, NP-BC, FCCM (six-part series)
OR ICU Hemodynamics swan-ganz btn-video
Cardiovascular Physiology (1 of 3)
OR ICU ED Hemodynamics Fluid Management Hypotension management btn-video featured-course-or-1 featured-course-icu-1 featured-course-all-2 featured-course-ed-2 HPI
Optimizing Fluid Therapy with Advanced Monitoring (2 of 3)
Dr. Simon Davies lectures on the importance of optimizing fluid and how this relates to hemodynamics.
OR ICU ED Hemodynamics Fluid Management Hypotension management btn-video HPI
Pressure and Flow (3 of 3)
OR ICU ED Hemodynamics Fluid Management Hypotension management btn-video HPI
Swan-Ganz Catheter Computation Constants
swan-ganz btn-reference iCO
Fluid response simulator - online webpage and IPad application
clearsight Fluid Management FloTrac btn-External-link Simulations / Case studies
Critical Care Product Catalog
OR ICU ED Products truwave swan-ganz FloTrac btn-reference foresight
Acumen IQ cuff setup guide
OR ICU clearsight btn-reference HPI Acumen Acumen IQ Cuff
Acumen IQ sensor setup on HemoSphere monitor v.2_2020
The Acumen IQ sensor connects to any existing radial arterial line and provides advanced hemodynamic parameters that offer continuous insight into your patient's hemodynamic status.
OR ICU FloTrac Hypotension management hemosphere btn-video HPI Acumen Acumen IQ Sensor
Acumen IQ sensor setup on HemoSphere monitor v.1_2019
How to setup the Acumen IQ sensor with Edwards HemoSphere monitor
OR ICU FloTrac hemosphere btn-video HPI Acumen Acumen IQ Sensor
Acumen IQ Cuff Setup Guide and Troubleshooting Poster with Classic HRS
OR ICU clearsight hemosphere btn-reference HPI Acumen Acumen IQ Cuff
Acumen IQ Cuff Set Up and Troubleshooting Poster for AutoZero HRS
OR ICU clearsight hemosphere btn-reference HPI Acumen Acumen IQ Cuff
Quick Guide to Cardiopulmonary Care
OR ICU Hemodynamics clearsight vamp truwave swan-ganz FloTrac oximetry hemosphere btn-reference HPI External Resources foresight iCO
Acumen HPI software quick reference guide on HemoSphere monitor v.1_2019
OR Hypotension management btn-reference HPI Acumen
Acumen Hypotension Prediction Index Software - OR Reference Card
ev1000 Hypotension management btn-reference HPI Acumen
Acumen Hypotension Prediction Index Software - ICU Reference Card
OR ICU Fluid Management FloTrac Hypotension management btn-reference HPI Acumen
Acumen HPI software on HemoSphere monitor with release 7 - features guide
OR ICU hemosphere btn-reference HPI Acumen
Acumen IQ sensor setup guide
ICU Setup FloTrac Hypotension management hemosphere btn-reference HPI Acumen Acumen IQ Sensor
Acumen IQ cuff and sensor setup on HemoSphere monitor with release 7
OR ICU Setup clearsight Hypotension management hemosphere btn-video HPI Acumen Acumen IQ Cuff
Acumen Hypotension Prediction Index Case Studies
OR ICU Simulations Hemodynamics Hypotension management hemosphere btn-video btn-reference Simulations / Case studies HPI Acumen
EaDyn Explained
btn-video HPI
Acumen HPI software clinical evidence bibliography
OR ICU btn-reference HPI Acumen
Anesthesiology 2022 Symposia - Smart Monitoring: Reducing IOH with predictive monitoring (two-part series)
OR ICU btn-video Live educational events HPI Acumen
ForeSight tissue oximetry system setup video
hemosphere btn-video foresight
ForeSight sensor setup on ForeSight monitor
btn-reference foresight
Cardiopulmonary Bypass and ForeSight Cerebral Tissue Oximetry
btn-video foresight Cerebral oximetry
ClearSight system technical overview
This animation reviews the technology behind the ClearSight system and how it measures non-invasive blood pressure and cardiac output continuously just from the ClearSight finger cuff.
Products clearsight ev1000 btn-video
ClearSight system setup guide
clearsight ev1000 btn-reference
FloTrac sensor setup on HemoSphere monitor v 1 2019
ICU ED Fluid Management FloTrac video hemosphere btn-video
FloTrac sensor on EV1000 monitor setup guide
OR ICU FloTrac ev1000 btn-reference
FloTrac whitepaper: Calculating stroke volume and cardiac output
OR ICU FloTrac btn-white-paper
HemoSphere monitor setup guide v.2_2020
OR ICU Oximetry catheter scvo2 swan-ganz FloTrac monitoring platforms oximetry Hypotension management hemosphere btn-reference HPI foresight
HemoSphere monitor setup guide v.1_2019
swan-ganz hemosphere btn-reference
HemoSphere pressure cable and pressure-out connections
hemosphere btn-video
Swan-Ganz module setup and navigation on HemoSphere monitor v.2_2020
This video details how to start, calibrate and begin monitoring with the Swan-Ganz pulmonary artery catheter
OR ICU Oximetry catheter scvo2 central venous oximetry swan-ganz monitoring platforms oximetry hemosphere btn-video
Swan-Ganz module setup and navigation on HemoSphere monitor v.1_2018
OR ICU swan-ganz hemosphere btn-video iCO
Swan-Ganz catheter setup - Featuring Fast CCO parameter
OR ICU swan-ganz hemosphere btn-video FastCCO
Oximetry catheter on EV1000 monitor setup guide
OR ICU Oximetry catheter oximetry ev1000 btn-reference
Swan-Ganz™ Simulator iPad App
Short description
swan-ganz btn-External-link Simulations / Case studies
Swan-Ganz catheter bolus thermodilution animation
swan-ganz btn-video iCO
Swan-Ganz catheter continuous cardiac output animation
swan-ganz btn-video
Thermodilution Cardiac Output Principles and Procedures Video
OR ICU swan-ganz hemosphere btn-video iCO
Swan-Ganz catheter continuous end diastolic volume animation
swan-ganz btn-video
Swan-Ganz catheter placement animation
swan-ganz btn-video
VAMP Adult System Setup Video
vamp btn-video
VAMP Jr System Setup Video
vamp btn-video Pediatrics Peds VAMP Jr
VAMP Plus System Setup Video
vamp btn-video
Cardiovascular Physiology Mastery
OR ICU Fluid Management eLearning eLearning courses Hypotension management btn-eLearning HPI
ClearSight technology overview eLearning
clearsight eLearning courses btn-eLearning featured-course-ed-3
VAMP Plus with Luer activated sample site (LASS)
OR ICU Setup vamp btn-video
Acumen Hypotension Prediction Index (HPI) Learning Portal
OR ICU Hypotension management btn-eLearning HPI Acumen
Methods for Assessing Fluid Responsiveness Reference Card
ICU Hemodynamics Fluid Management btn-reference
VAMP Plus System Setup Guide
vamp btn-reference
FloTrac sensor setup on Mindray BeneVision N-series patient monitor
MPM FloTrac BeneVision Mindray
ClearSight system setup video
clearsight ev1000 btn-video
ForeSight Jr Tissue Oximetry System Setup Guide
btn-reference foresight ForeSight Jr Pediatrics Peds
NonInvasive ClearSight System setup on HemoSphere monitor
OR ICU clearsight hemosphere btn-video
Intermittent Cardiac Output Monitoring Setup and Application Video
swan-ganz hemosphere btn-video iCO
Across the spectrum: hemodynamic monitoring from triage to de-resuscitation
ICU Hemodynamics Fluid Management Sepsis management btn-video
Pediatric Tissue Oximetry Reference Guide
OR ICU hemosphere btn-reference foresight ForeSight Jr Pediatrics Peds
TruWave transducer pressure monitoring setup (priming and calibration)
OR ICU truwave btn-video
A pathway to individualized hemodynamic management
OR ICU Hemodynamics Fluid Management Hypotension management btn-video HPI Acumen
NonInvasive ClearSight System troubleshooting on HemoSphere monitor
OR ICU ED clearsight hemosphere btn-reference
Intermittent thermodilution cardiac output (iCO) with CO-Set+ system on Vigilance II monitor
OR ICU swan-ganz btn-video iCO vigilance vigilance II
ForeSight sensor: Case studies
OR ICU btn-case-studies foresight case study
Pediatric ForeSight Tissue Oximetry sensor setup on HemoSphere monitor
OR ICU hemosphere btn-reference foresight ForeSight Jr Pediatrics Peds
Pediatric ForeSight Tissue Oximetry system setup on HemoSphere monitor
OR ICU hemosphere btn-video foresight ForeSight Jr Pediatrics Peds
Intermittent Thermodilution Cardiac Output (iCO) with CO-Set Closed Injectate Delivery System Setup Guide
OR ICU swan-ganz btn-reference iCO
ClearSight Jr cuff on HemoSphere monitor poster
OR ICU clearsight hemosphere btn-reference Pediatrics Peds ClearSight Jr
Hypotension prediction: a new frontier in critical care
OR ICU Hemodynamics Fluid Management Hypotension management btn-video HPI
Managing intraoperative hypotension with predictive parameters
OR ICU Hypotension management btn-video HPI
Acumen IQ finger cuff placement
OR ICU clearsight hemosphere btn-video HPI Acumen Acumen IQ Cuff
VAMP Jr. System Setup Guide
OR ICU vamp btn-reference Pediatrics Peds VAMP Jr
NonInvasive ClearSight System setup guide on HemoSphere monitor
OR ICU ED clearsight hemosphere btn-reference
ForeSight sensor: Physiologic relationship cards
OR ICU foresight physiologic-relationship-card btn-physio-cards
Advanced Hemodynamic Monitoring Swan-Ganz Oximetry (SvO2) Pulmonary Artery Catheter Overview
swan-ganz oximetry btn-reference iCO
Product setup videos, guides, eLearnings, and more.
Acumen Analytics Overview
OR ICU btn-video HPI Acumen Assisted Fluid Management AFM
Edwards Clinical Education (ECE) App
Available to download on tablets and mobile devices
OR ICU btn-app
VAMP system quick reference guide
OR ICU vamp btn-reference
Reducing the burden of intraoperative hypotension
OR Fluid Management Hypotension management btn-video
FloTrac Jr sensor setup guide
OR ICU FloTrac hemosphere btn-reference Pediatrics Peds FloTrac Jr
Acumen Assisted Fluid Management (AFM) software on HemoSphere advanced monitor setup guide
OR Setup Fluid Management hemosphere btn-reference Acumen AFM
Swan-Ganz pulmonary artery catheter advanced hemodynamic monitoring poster
swan-ganz hemosphere btn-reference
Viewfinder remote app setup video
OR ICU hemosphere btn-video Viewfinder
Treating the Patient, Not the Number: Managing Hemodynamic Instability (2023 AANA Symposium)
Hemodynamics btn-video
Acumen Hypotension Prediction Index - Frequently Asked Questions
OR ICU Hypotension management btn-reference HPI Acumen
FloTrac sensor setup on HemoSphere monitor v2_2020
OR ICU Hemodynamics FloTrac hemosphere btn-video
ClearSight system with ClearSight Jr cuff setup guide
OR ICU clearsight hemosphere btn-reference Pediatrics Peds ClearSight Jr
2023 ASA Symposium
OR ICU Hemodynamics Hypotension management btn-video HPI
ForeSight sensor: White papers
OR ICU white paper btn-white-papers foresight
Physiologic Factors Affecting Cerebral Tissue Oximetry
OR ICU btn-video foresight
Hemodynamic management of the cardiac surgical patient
OR Hemodynamics Fluid Management btn-video
ClearSight System Technology Overview
OR ICU clearsight ev1000 btn-reference
Acumen Hypotension Prediction Index (HPI) software overview
OR ICU btn-video HPI Acumen
Tissue oximetry (StO2) monitoring in the ECMO patient
OR ICU btn-video foresight Cerebral oximetry
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